spur the economy

美 [spɜːr ðə ɪˈkɑːnəmi]英 [spɜː(r) ðə ɪˈkɒnəmi]
  • 推动经济
spur the economyspur the economy
  1. As a nation and as a people , we began borrowing and spending to spur the economy .


  2. As a developing country with weak industrial base and late development , China requests pillar industries which can spur the economy development , especially in backward area .


  3. It 's too soon for government measures to spur the economy , with momentum likely to remain strong despite the recent slowdown , economists said .


  4. But understaffed Danish businesses agree-they want looser immigration laws to spur the economy and increase the labor pool .


  5. Republican nominee-in-waiting Mitt Romney has proposed lowering rates for all taxpayers as a way to spur the economy and increase jobs .


  6. The intercourse between system and knowledge is an important element to spur the increase of social economy .


  7. But people who advocate , on the other hand , argue that it will spur the development of local economy .


  8. The development of the small and medium-sized enterprises of growing up type is one of the points of growth to spur the increase in national economy continually and steadily .


  9. Bernanke 's comments come hours after the Fed announced Wednesday that it will buy $ 600 billion worth of government bonds in a bold bid to make loans cheaper , spur spending and invigorate the economy .
